Actor Salman Khan who has been in the news almost daily from hugging arch rival Shah Rukh Khan to shedding a tear on a reality show, did not leave any stone unturned and made it right back to the top of our newsstand.
Salman Khan who was hosting an award ceremony recently and promoting his film ' Jai Ho' alongside got a lot of attention when he taught former adult film star Sunny Leone how to drape a saree at the event.
According to a report in Zee News, Salman gave Sunny a few tips on how to drape the nine yard outfit on stage. Apart from his interaction with Sunny, Salman made headlines for hugging SRK once again after their much publicized hug at an Iftar party last year.Salman also seems to have exchanged a war of words with singer Mithoon at the same event. Going by the news from this awards night, we can't seem to wait for the TV premiere.
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