Friday, November 01, 2013

Heidi Klum Wins Halloween - Dresses as Elderly Woman

The title of Most Offensive Halloween Costume remains a heated battle.

Is it these idiots dressed like Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman? Or the morons decked out in Asiana Airlines pilot costumes? You decide.

But the Best Halloween Costume of 2013? That must belong to Heidi Klum.

The super model partied like it's 2059 last night, hosting a festive holiday gathering in New York City and doing so while dressed like an elderly woman.

Seriously. Thanks to a truly amazing makeup job and an impressive dedication to the occasion, THIS is Heidi Klum. Do not adjust your monitor. It really is her:

Klum has always gone all out for Halloween. 
Past costumes have included Cleopatra (2012), an ape (2011), an alien robot (2010), a black crow (2009) and a Hindu goddess (2008). All elaborate. All very well done.

"I start thinking of ideas months before Halloween, and I have an amazing team who makes the impossible possible," Klum told the Parade a few weeks ago. "I don't really have a system for picking my costume each year, they just kind of come to me. It's definitely not a last-minute decision. It takes months of preparation."

We can tell.

We never thought we'd like looking at Heidi Klum photos that involved so much clothing, but the beauty has proved us wrong!

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